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Filters: Author is Brinton, Roberta Diaz and Keyword is Mitochondria [Clear All Filters]
ApoE4 Impairs Neuron-Astrocyte Coupling of Fatty Acid Metabolism.. Cell Rep. 34(1):108572.
2021. Mitochondria-Targeted Therapeutics for Alzheimer's Disease: The Good, the Bad, the Potential.. Antioxid Redox Signal. 34(8):611-630.
2021. Targeting the prodromal stage of Alzheimer's disease: bioenergetic and mitochondrial opportunities.. Neurotherapeutics. 12(1):66-80.
2015. White Matter Lipids as a Ketogenic Fuel Supply in Aging Female Brain: Implications for Alzheimer's Disease.. EBioMedicine. 2(12):1888-904.
2015. Estrogen: a master regulator of bioenergetic systems in the brain and body.. Front Neuroendocrinol. 35(1):8-30.
2014. Early decline in glucose transport and metabolism precedes shift to ketogenic system in female aging and Alzheimer's mouse brain: implication for bioenergetic intervention.. PLoS One. 8(11):e79977.
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2013. Estrogen regulation of mitochondrial bioenergetics: implications for prevention of Alzheimer's disease.. Adv Pharmacol. 64:327-71.
2012. Ovarian hormone loss induces bioenergetic deficits and mitochondrial β-amyloid.. Neurobiol Aging. 33(8):1507-21.
2012. 2-Deoxy-D-glucose treatment induces ketogenesis, sustains mitochondrial function, and reduces pathology in female mouse model of Alzheimer's disease.. PLoS One. 6(7):e21788.
2011. The effect of dietary soy isoflavones before and after ovariectomy on hippocampal protein markers of mitochondrial bioenergetics and antioxidant activity in female monkeys.. Brain Res. 1379:23-33.
2011. Estrogen protection against mitochondrial toxin-induced cell death in hippocampal neurons: antagonism by progesterone.. Brain Res. 1379:2-10.
2011. Medroxyprogesterone acetate antagonizes estrogen up-regulation of brain mitochondrial function.. Endocrinology. 152(2):556-67.
2011. Shift in brain metabolism in late onset Alzheimer's disease: implications for biomarkers and therapeutic interventions.. Mol Aspects Med. 32(4-6):247-57.
2011. Targeting mitochondrial bioenergetics for Alzheimer's prevention and treatment.. Curr Pharm Des. 17(31):3474-9.
2011. Decline in mitochondrial bioenergetics and shift to ketogenic profile in brain during reproductive senescence.. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1800(10):1121-6.
2010. Menopause and mitochondria: windows into estrogen effects on Alzheimer's disease risk and therapy.. Prog Brain Res. 182:77-96.
2010. Mitochondrial bioenergetic deficit precedes Alzheimer's pathology in female mouse model of Alzheimer's disease.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 106(34):14670-5.
2009. Estrogen regulation of glucose metabolism and mitochondrial function: therapeutic implications for prevention of Alzheimer's disease.. Adv Drug Deliv Rev. 60(13-14):1504-11.
2008. The healthy cell bias of estrogen action: mitochondrial bioenergetics and neurological implications.. Trends Neurosci. 31(10):529-37.
2008. Progesterone and estrogen regulate oxidative metabolism in brain mitochondria.. Endocrinology. 149(6):3167-75.