M. S. Admissions

All applicants should apply to the Medical Pharmacology M.S. program at https://apply.grad.arizona.edu/users/login  prior to December 1st.  Note: Be sure to put your name on all materials submitted.

Students entering the Master's program receive comparable financial support, depending upon the availability of funds.

Every student in our program is expected to devote full time to research and graduate studies, 12 months per year with time for vacation and holidays. Thus, students are encouraged not to undertake regular outside employment.

The University of Arizona Minority Health Disparities Research Opportunities (NIH IMSD)

The University of Arizona offers the prestigious National Institute of Health Initiative for Minority Student Development (NIH IMSD) Graduate Study Awards to outstanding underrepresented minority students who are admitted to one of eleven Ph.D. biomedical programs at the University of Arizona. The Graduate Program in Medical Pharmacology is one of the eleven participants in the NIH IMSD program.


Thank you for visiting the Medical Pharmacology Graduate Program page. If you would like further information regarding the Medical Pharmacology Graduate Program, please contact the program coordinator.

Vickie Healey, Medical Pharmacology Program Coordinator
Life Sciences North, 646
(520) 626-7218
(520) 626-2204 FAX
Email: vhealey@arizona.edu