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Filters: Author is Brinton, Roberta Diaz and Keyword is Aging [Clear All Filters]
Neuroendocrine aging precedes perimenopause and is regulated by DNA methylation.. Neurobiol Aging. 74:213-224.
2019. White Matter Lipids as a Ketogenic Fuel Supply in Aging Female Brain: Implications for Alzheimer's Disease.. EBioMedicine. 2(12):1888-904.
2015. .
2013. .
Ovarian hormone loss induces bioenergetic deficits and mitochondrial β-amyloid.. Neurobiol Aging. 33(8):1507-21.
2012. Decline in mitochondrial bioenergetics and shift to ketogenic profile in brain during reproductive senescence.. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1800(10):1121-6.
2010. Menopause and mitochondria: windows into estrogen effects on Alzheimer's disease risk and therapy.. Prog Brain Res. 182:77-96.
2010. Regenerative potential of allopregnanolone.. Brain Res Rev. 57(2):398-409.