SPEAKER: Ryan Sprissler, PhD | Manager, University of Arizona Genetics Core; Member, UA Center for Applied Genetics and Genomic Medicine
“Clinical Genetic Testing at UA: Current Approaches and Future Directions”
Wednesday, April 17
4 - 5 p.m.
MRB Room 102
For more information, please visit: https://precisionhealth.uahs.arizona.edu/genetics-genomics-grand-rounds
Livestream available at: https://bit.ly/2COkcz3
Speaker Host: Valerie Schaibley, PhD | vschaibley@email.arizona.edu
Dr. Ryan Sprissler is a founding member of the UA Center for Applied Genetics and Genomic Medicine and lead scientist managing the UA Genetics Core facility specializing in cutting edge genomic technology. Dr. Sprissler also serves as a co-founder and chief scientific officer of Geneticure LLC and has leveraged several partnerships fueling the high growth industry of genomic testing. With more than 15 years of experience in genetic assay design/testing, he is a current member of the Association for Bioresource Facilities (ABRF), the Association for Laboratory Automation (ALA) and the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), and serves on the board of the Shay Emma Hammer Research Foundation.
Event flyer (please view, post and share with colleagues): gggr.sprissler.flier_.4-17-19.pdf
Contact: Kathy Ben | kben@email.arizona.edu
CME credit is not available for this Genetics and Genomics Grand Rounds lecture. Questions? Email kben@email.arizona.edu
Medical Research Building, Room 102
University of Arizona Health Sciences Campus
1656 E. Mabel St.
Tucson, AZ 85721