Google Analytics Reports

The latest Google Analytics Reports for this website:

It can be difficult to interpret these numbers in the absence of specific goals and targets for your website. To determine if these numbers are good, bad, or need to change, you need to know what you want your website to accomplish, plus a little bit about your audience or different audience groups.

Sessions - A session is the period time a particular user is actively engaged with your website.

Pageviews - The total number of pages viewed. Repeated views of a single page are counted.

Users - Users who have initiated at least one session during the date range.

Pages / Session - (Average Page Depth) is the average number of pages viewed during a session. Repeated views of the same page are counted.

Avg. Session Duration - The average length of a session.

Bounce Rate - The percentage of single-page sessions in which there was no interaction with the page. 

New Sessions - An estimate of the percentage of first-time visits.

Mobile - The percentage of sessions that were not from a desktop computer.