Most "people" have been imported from the College of Medicine site. People will be imported from COM if:
- their primary affiliation is either faculty or staff (not student)
- their status is "active"
- their primary department is Pharmacology
You can also create new people on this site yourself by going to Content -> Add content -> Faculty/Staff. This might be useful if you want to list Affiliated people whose primary department is not Pharmacology.
"Official" fields can only be changed through UAccess. See the relevant page on the Phonebook website which has information on what fields the employee themselves can change, and what fields must be changed by a department, college or division business representative through UAccess Employee - Manager Self Service (MSS).
The fields below are local and you can and should edit them here on this site:
- Photo
- Additional Images
- Building
- Person Type
- Research Area
- Research Interests
- Research Activities
(2) EDIT ON COLLEGE OF MEDICINE SITE: "preferred" fields
To edit the "preferred" fields on the College of Medicine site, log in to the site (link is external), find the person you want to edit, and use the Edit tab to change their "preferred" fields.
- Log in to the College of Medicine site:
- Go to the Directory and find the person you want to edit:
- Click on their name to go to their detail page.
- Click the "Edit" tab.
- Switch to the "My Preferred" tab to enter preferred name, email, phone, and room.
- To enter preferred titles, click on "Professional" in the left sidebar, then "My Preferred." You can enter any number of titles, and you can order them using the drag handles.
"Preferred" fields at the College of Medicine website:
- Display Name (title of node) - you can edit this on the COM site
- Bio - you can edit this on the COM site
- First name preferred - you can edit this on the COM site
- Last name preferred - you can edit this on the COM site
- Email preferred - you can edit this on the COM site
- Phone preferred - you can edit this on the COM site
- Room preferred - you can edit this on the COM site
- Titles preferred - you can edit this on the COM site
(3) OFFICIAL FIELDS - EDIT IN UAccess Employee
These fields are linked to COM and will get overwritten if you change them here on this site (unless the person is not in the feed):
- First name official (can only be changed by department rep in UAccess Employee - Manager Self Service)
- Last name official (can only be changed by department rep in UAccess Employee - Manager Self Service)
- Email official (can only be changed by department rep in UAccess Employee - Manager Self Service)
- Phone official (can only be changed by department rep in UAccess Employee - Manager Self Service)
- Room official (can only be changed by department rep in UAccess Employee - Manager Self Service)
- Titles official (can only be changed by department rep in UAccess Employee - Manager Self Service)
When people are displayed in lists, the list looks to see if the "preferred" field has something in it. If it does, it shows that. If it doesn't, it shows the "official" value.